What is a “mezuzah” in the Bible? Megan Sauter June 21, 2022 8 Comments 44838 views Share A reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Drawing: Leen Ritmeyer. King Solomon’s Temple was resplendent. Described in 1 Kings 6–7, the temple was divided into three parts: the forecourt (ulam), the outer sanctum (heikhal) and the inner shrine … Lire la suite
Roman-era gravestone provides new insights into Jewish proselytes Nathan Steinmeyer June 20, 2022 0 Comments 274 views Share The gravestone of Jacob the convert. Courtesy Yevgeny Ostrovsky, Israel Antiquities Authority. “Jacob the convert swears upon himself that any who open this grave will be cursed.” Thus reads a gravestone discovered in the ancient necropolis of … Lire la suite
Come si inizia a descrivere la Lituania? In un paese in cui si parla una delle lingue più antiche del mondo, i quartieri possono dichiararsi repubbliche indipendenti e il basket è una religione. Come se non bastasse, i fiumi sono di color verde, il cibo ha la forma di zeppelin e, per di più, è … Lire la suite
How the ’Ain Dara temple in Syria sheds light on King Solomon in the Bible and his famous temple Biblical Archaeology Society Staff June 19, 2022 2 Comments 74433 views Share For centuries, scholars have searched in vain for any remnant of Solomon’s Temple. The fabled Jerusalem sanctuary, described in such exacting detail in 1 … Lire la suite
Archaeologists race to excavate an ancient city in northern Iraq Nathan Steinmeyer June 17, 2022 0 Comments 898 views Share The archaeological site of Kemune, the location of the lost city of Zakhiku, in the dried-up portion of the Mosul reservoir. Courtesy University of Tübingen. Droughts across Iraq have been a major source of humanitarian … Lire la suite
Discovery made at Hierapolis, one of the major Christian sites in Turkey Biblical Archaeology Society Staff June 16, 2022 21 Comments 24761 views Share This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in January 2012.—Ed. Amid the remains of a fourth- or fifth-century church at Hierapolis, one of the most significant Christian sites in Turkey, … Lire la suite
Immaginate di guardare il vostro film preferito di Harry Potter e di imbattervi in una scena con montagne spettacolari, laghi incantevoli, foreste affascinanti e valli profonde. Così vi chiedete, dove hanno girato i film di Harry Potter – quel luogo della scena del film era reale o faceva parte della fantasia? Benvenuti in Scozia – … Lire la suite
Die Ausstellung Notre – Dame de Paris ist aus drei Gründen interessant: Wegen ihres Themas: Notre-Dame de Paris ist ja seit dem schlimmen Brand vom April 2019 eine Baustelle. Es gibt immer wieder Berichte über den Stand der Restaurierung. Hier wird nun systematisch über die Geschichte und Bedeutung des Bauwerks, den Brand und den Fortgang … Lire la suite
Eleazar in the Bible A High Priest and Leader of Early Israel Robin Gallaher Branch June 15, 2022 0 Comments 759 views Share Moses and Eleazar reveal the bronze serpent to the people afflicted with snakebites (Numbers 21:5–9). Lithograph by A. Blanco after P.P. Rubens. Wellcome Collection gallery, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Eleazar, … Lire la suite
DNA study links ancient Canaanites to their modern descendants Robin Ngo June 14, 2022 20 Comments 54654 views Share What happened to the Canaanites? DNA sequencing was conducted on five skeletons from Canaanite Sidon, including this one. The results indicate that there is a “genetic continuity” between the Canaanites at Sidon and the modern Lebanese. … Lire la suite
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